[Michlib-l] Director Contracts

Indian River Library indriv1 at northland.lib.mi.us
Fri Sep 23 12:45:19 EDT 2016

----- Original Message -----
From: ConnieJo Ozinga <cjozinga at commercelibrary.info>
To: Nannette Miller <erlib.director at gmail.com>
Cc: michlib-l at mcls.org, Valerie Meyerson <vmeyerson at petoskeylibrary.org>
Sent: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 10:59:31 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Michlib-l] Director Contracts

I had a contract in a previous director job.  It was very simple, will work
for the following period of time for the following salary. It was renewed
once a year at my evaluation and was always renewed for two years.  Any
benefits or other things that were different from the library's standard
benefit package were covered in a separate memorandum of understanding at
the time of hire.

Superintendent contracts are common, might be a place to search for


On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 10:34 AM, Nannette Miller <erlib.director at gmail.com>

> This has always been very confusing for me. I have always been an "At
> Will" employee and have never had a contract, but thought there should be
> something spelling out benefits, etc. besides the Personnel Policy. Val,
> will you please share responses with me? I would like to know what other
> libraries do about director contracts.
> Thanks!
> Nannette Miller
> Elk Rapids District Library
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 11:39 AM, Valerie Meyerson <
> vmeyerson at petoskeylibrary.org> wrote:
>> Wondering if any directors have an employee contract with their board. If
>> you do, would you please share a copy of it with me?
>> vmeyerson at petoskeylibrary.org
>> Thank you.
>> *_________________________________________________________________________________*
>> *Valerie Meyerson, Library Director*
>> Petoskey District Library
>> 231.758.3120
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> --
> Nannette Miller | Director
> Elk Rapids District Library
> 231.264.9979 | erlib.director at gmail.com | elkrapidslibrary.org
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Connie Jo Ozinga
Library Director
Commerce Township Community Library
2869 N Pontiac Trail
Commerce, MI 48390
(248) 669-8108 x101

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