[Michlib-l] FW: ALAO Graphic Novel Presentation

BiggThomas, Deb (MDE) BiggsThomasD at michigan.gov
Fri May 1 11:49:00 EDT 2015

I thought this might be of interest to public and school libraries as asked Rita if I could also share via Michlib and MAME lists, and the author, Anita Gonzalez, graciously agreed.  Please find the .ppt attached.

Kind regards,

D. B. Thomas, MA AMLS
MeL & Library Outreach Coordinator
Library of Michigan
Visit MeL at: http://mel.org<http://mel.org/> and on Facebook at: http://facebook.com/mel.org
The Library of Michigan is pleased to share a new video series highlighting Michigan libraries and how they are making a difference in their communities.  To experience Michigan libraries in a new light, visit http://brightside.cedam.info/ and watch the 21st Century Libraries episode.

From: Rita Kohrman [mailto:kohrmanr at gvsu.edu]
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 2:36 PM
To: Amanda Nichols Hess; Amy Call; Ann Breitenwischer; Anne Merkle; Barbara Begin Campbell; Beth Hronek; Brad Dennis; BiggThomas, Deb (MDE); Donna Oster; Fiona Brown; Gail Powers-Schaub; Gina Bolger; Guy Cox; Jo Angela Oehrli; Julie Chapie; Karen Downing; Karen Reeves; Reish, Karren (MDE); Keith Stanger; Kim Parker; Kristie Lynn Schult; Kristy Motz; Lauren Matacio; Laurie Arrick; Lawrence Onsager; Linnea Dudley; Lois Dye; Melissa Sissen; Meredith Dodson; Michael O'Leary; Morningstar, Jill; Pam Luebke; Paul Bielich; Renee Snodgrass; Richard Cooley; Rita Kohrman; Rob Alford; Robbie Bolton; Rozenia Marinho; SaraJane Tompkins; Scott Mellendorf; Shirley McDaid; Stephanie Mathson; Steven Vest; Sue Homant; Susann deVries; Todd Wiebe; Veronica Bielat; Vince Prygoski
Subject: FW: ALAO Graphic Novel Presentation

I received permission to share the graphic novel presentation Donna, Anne, and I saw at the Ohio ECIG group last Monday. Hoping one of these times that other Michigan education/CML people can visit our Ohio compatriots.  Rita

From: Gonzalez, Anita [mailto:gonzalez.294 at osu.edu]
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 2:30 PM
To: Herring, Deidra
Cc: stephanie.bange at wright.edu<mailto:stephanie.bange at wright.edu>; scover at cdeducation.org<mailto:scover at cdeducation.org>; mcummings at shawnee.edu<mailto:mcummings at shawnee.edu>; detterj at uppervalleycc.org<mailto:detterj at uppervalleycc.org>; drees.9 at gmail.com<mailto:drees.9 at gmail.com>; hrfishp at bgsu.edu<mailto:hrfishp at bgsu.edu>; Fuerst, Desiree M.; cheryl.ghosh at uc.edu<mailto:cheryl.ghosh at uc.edu>; rgriffith at sscc.edu<mailto:rgriffith at sscc.edu>; jharkone at kent.edu<mailto:jharkone at kent.edu>; skerestes at cedarville.edu<mailto:skerestes at cedarville.edu>; Rita Kohrman; Anne Merkle; Donna Oster; seifer at bgsu.edu<mailto:seifer at bgsu.edu>; smithjen at nku.edu<mailto:smithjen at nku.edu>; tnb422 at yahoo.com<mailto:tnb422 at yahoo.com>; McGurk, Caitlin A.
Subject: ALAO Graphic Novel Presentation

Thank you everyone!  Feel free to contact me with any questions.

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