[Mcls-print-storage] loan period question

Doug Way wayd at gvsu.edu
Wed Feb 6 11:52:54 EST 2013

For the record, GVSU is supportive of this as well.  As Scott mentions, there are some technical difficulties to overcome, but there are also significant benefits to our users.


Doug Way
Head of Collections and Scholarly Communications
Grand Valley State University Libraries

From: "ScottGarrison at ferris.edu<mailto:ScottGarrison at ferris.edu>" <ScottGarrison at ferris.edu<mailto:ScottGarrison at ferris.edu>>
Date: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 8:42 AM
To: "mcls-print-storage at mcls.org<mailto:mcls-print-storage at mcls.org>" <mcls-print-storage at mcls.org<mailto:mcls-print-storage at mcls.org>>
Cc: "FrancesRosen at ferris.edu<mailto:FrancesRosen at ferris.edu>" <FrancesRosen at ferris.edu<mailto:FrancesRosen at ferris.edu>>
Subject: [Mcls-print-storage] loan period question

Hi everyone,

We're taking a very open and transparent approach to our MI-SPI deselection process here, and have deselection lists by subject linked from a LibGuide. We're also meeting with deans, chairs (which we tend to call "department heads" here), and faculty to explain what we're doing and why with book and JSTOR/Sage journal deselection. We plan to proceed with deselection this summer, and are giving faculty until the end of this semester to justify why we should keep particular books on the deselection lists.

One faculty member has expressed the concern that while they can check out a book from our library for a whole semester, they may only be able to get a MI-SPI book for 3 weeks with one 3 week renewal via ILL. I've talked with Doug a little bit about whether we could standardize loan periods for at least MI-SPI books to a semester, for faculty at all MI-SPI institutions. I know there are degrees of technical difficulty with doing this, but it does seem possible to accomplish.

I understand these are low-use materials that aren't very likely to be requested by ILL, but I can't completely suppress the "what if" part of my thoughts. If we don't standardize loan periods, and a faculty member is disgruntled at only getting a book for up to 6 weeks, we may see pressure to re-buy the book (assuming it's available). One way to handle this might be like we handle DDA titles - request it X times via ILL, and on the Yth request, we re-buy it.

I'd appreciate your thoughts on the above.


Scott Garrison
Ferris Library for Information, Technology and Education
Ferris State
1010 Campus Drive, 410A
Big Rapids, MI 49307
voice: (231) 591-3728
fax: (231) 591-3724
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