[Michlib-l] Responses to: AED's in libraries

LVW Mary Russell lvwoperations at llcoop.org
Thu Mar 1 12:12:33 EST 2018

Thank you to everyone who has responded to my question.  You all are 
wonderful at sharing knowledge!
I received over 30 responses from libraries who have them (I'm sure more 
libraries do). All have received some type of basic training in using the 
machine and/or CPR. All agree that the machines are simple to use and talk 
you through the steps. Many of the libraries have local fire departments 
that have taken care of them: replacing batteries and pads, training. And 
here's the best part: no one has had to use one yet!

We, unfortunately, have had someone collapse and die at the circulation desk 
(yes, it happens!) so are now planning on getting an AED with funds from our 
Friends. We don't know if having this device would have saved a life, but it 
is nice to be prepared. 

Mary Russell
Assistant Director
Tamarack District Library
832 S Lincoln Ave, Box 469
Lakeview, MI  48850

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