[Michlib-l] MeL Minute: How do you like to learn about MeL?

Norris, Sonya (MDE) NorrisS2 at michigan.gov
Thu Nov 9 08:09:52 EST 2017

We didn't just hear about MeL database usage and requests in the past survey. We also discovered how library staff around Michigan prefer to learn about the databases MeL offers. We asked the 426 survey participants: "How do you prefer to learn about a new database or product at your library? (Select all that apply)". 407 people responded and this is what they chose:

1.      Recorded webinars (251 responses)
2.      In-person training session (195 responses)
3.      Online modules (177 responses)
4.      An ongoing, dedicated MeL-resource specialist (103)
5.      Other: (37)

When asked "are there any MeL databases you would like to learn more about?" the top three responses were:

1.      K-12 resources (6 responses)
2.      Business resources (5 responses)
3.      Learning Express Library (5 responses)

While these are not fully comprehensive results of all the libraries in Michigan, we can point you to some recorded webinars for MeL databases right now, including K-12, Business, and Learning Express Library aids. On the MeL.org homepage, the left hand menu of MeL Features has a link to the Promotion & Training page<http://mel.org/promotions>.  Choose whichever area you would like to learn more about, like Learning Express Library for example,  on the left-hand menu of that page to go to marketing materials, videos, and past webinars.

Always feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or would like any further training.

Many thanks to Kathy Kosinski, Data Analyst, for providing this information!

MeL databases are available to Michigan residents or Michigan library access only.

MeL Minutes are brought to you by the Library of Michigan.  Want more information on MeL?  Stay tuned for the next MeL Minute available on many Michigan library listservs, email us at contact at mel.org<mailto:contact at mel.org>,  visit http://mel.org<http://mel.org/>, or sign up for the MeL Minute and other Library of Michigan e-mail lists via GovDelivery<https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/MILOM/subscriber/new>. We encourage you to share MeL Minutes with your colleagues and networks.

Sonya Schryer Norris

Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48909


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