[Michlib-l] Webinar TOMORROW: Marshall Breeding's Library Resource Management and Discovery Services: A Strategic View

Atkin, Evette (MDE) AtkinE at michigan.gov
Wed Nov 2 12:47:17 EDT 2016

Learn about major trends in academic, public, and school libraries and how technology platforms are responding to the realities each type of library faces!

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Library Resource Management and Discovery Services: A Strategic View
Thursday, November 3, 2016, 2-3 pm, EST

[Image removed by sender. image]Libraries depend on resource management systems such as integrated library systems or library services platforms to acquire and manage their collections. Many also invest in discovery services to facilitate access of these resources for their clientele. Having technology platforms well matched with the library's strategic priorities is essential for strengthening the success of the library.

Marshall Breeding will provide an overview of some of the major trends in academic, public, and school libraries and how technology platforms are responding to the realities each type of library faces. Don’t miss this information-packed webinar!

[Image removed by sender. Breeding]Marshall Breeding is an independent consultant, speaker, and author. He is the creator and editor of Library Technology Guides and the libraries.org<http://LibraryWorks.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=900222b83edf47ed0580d9614&id=cf7f381d8d&e=20c3af7335> online directory of libraries on the Web. His monthly column Systems Librarian appears in Computers in Libraries; he is the Editor for Smart Libraries Newsletter published by the American Library Association (ALA), and has authored the annual Library Systems Report published by American Libraries since 2014. He has authored nine issues of ALA’s Library Technology Reports and has written many other articles and book chapters. Marshall has edited or authored seven books, including Cloud Computing for Libraries published by in 2012 by Neal-Schuman, now part of ALA TechSource. He regularly teaches workshops and gives presentations at library conferences on a wide range of topics.
[Image removed by sender. reg]<http://LibraryWorks.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=900222b83edf47ed0580d9614&id=6385a8f445&e=20c3af7335>

The registration fee is $49 with special group rates available. Can’t make it on November 3rd? Register now<http://LibraryWorks.us14.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=900222b83edf47ed0580d9614&id=8624eae8f2&e=20c3af7335> and we will send you an email with instructions on how to watch at your convenience after the event.

Please contact Jenny Newman with Strategic Library at jenny at libraryworks.com<mailto:jenny at libraryworks.com> if you have any questions.

[Image removed by sender. Strategic library]
About Strategic Library
Published monthly, Strategic Library assists administrators and managers in all types of libraries as they deal with day-to-day and strategic challenges. In-depth articles, written by highly regarded professionals in the field, focus on leadership, management, evaluation, assessment, marketing, funding, and more to promote organizational success.

About LibraryWorks
LibraryWorks' mission is to help you to make informed decisions about library technology, automation and software, collection development and management, facilities and furnishings, staffing, purchasing, and other areas that drive effective strategic planning and day-to-day operations. Our family of resources can enable you to identify best practices, monitor trends, evaluate new products and services, apply for grants and funding, post or find a job, and even enjoy some library humor.

[Image removed by sender. fotter]

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