[Michlib-l] FOIA Packet from Library of Michigan - Developing Documents and Summaries for the 2015 FOIA Amendments

White, Shannon (MDE) WhiteS29 at michigan.gov
Thu Jun 18 15:12:56 EDT 2015

This message was originally sent out on Monday afternoon to library directors and cooperatives. If you did not receive this information at that time and are a district library needing FOIA information to create policies, please review the message below. You may find information to assist you in the process. Other library types may find the information useful as well though they should consult with their local FOIA coordinator for guidance.


Dear Library Director,

Attached you will find a packet of information from the Library of Michigan titled "Developing Documents and Summaries for the 2015 FOIA Amendments." The samples are adapted from documents developed by and for State of Michigan state government agencies.  They are primarily intended as information for district libraries and library cooperatives, but may be helpful to other types of public libraries in processing FOIA requests.  For libraries under the umbrella of a municipality or county, please consult with the FOIA Coordinator for that local government entity for guidance.  All libraries should discuss specific concerns or circumstances surrounding FOIA requests and the 2015 Amendments with their legal counsel.  Any questions on the following materials may be directed to Kimberly Koscielniak at the Library of Michigan.

The information attached summarizes the 2015 Amendments to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.231 et seq, or "FOIA," which require a public body to post on a website, or otherwise make accessible to the public, specific information on how the public body processes a request for public records and assesses fees.  Public libraries are included in the definition of "public bodies," and must follow the Amendments, which become effective on July 1, 2015.

Included in this material are samples of three documents that a public body is required to develop and make accessible to the general public:
1.     The public body's FOIA Procedures and Guidelines  (Part II)
2.     A fee itemization form to be included in the FOIA Procedures and Guidelines (Part III)
3.     A written summary of the procedures and guidelines that is easy-to-read (Part IV)

You can also find the amending act included within the attached PDF packet.

Shannon D. White
Library of Michigan
702 West Kalamazoo, P.O. Box 30007, Lansing, MI 48909-7507
Ph: 517-373-9489; Fax: 517-373-5700
Toll free:  877-479-0021
whites29 at michigan.gov

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