[Michlib-l] Question for City Library Directors

Kathleen Monroe kmonroe at livonia.lib.mi.us
Thu Oct 24 15:50:44 EDT 2013

Hi Stephanie:

In Livonia the Library is part of the City government and is considered to be a City department.  In answer to your questions, this means that:

1.  I report to the Mayor, as the the City's administrator.  I also report to our "Library Commission"(appointed by several different Mayors), but most major decisions and changes are dialogues with city hall.  Routine daily matters are decided by the library administration, but we keep the library commission in the loop about library activities and changes and get their opinions/input.  There are a few things that they actually do vote on.

2.As indicated above, our Library Commission serves as an advisory board.

3. They are not involved in regular daily or line item expenditures during the year.  I give them a budget performance report quarterly that indicates the percentage of the fiscal year that has passed and the line items show dollars and percentages used to date.  Basically I report that the budget is on track or explain the valid reason why an item is seemingly under or over spent at that particular time of the year9bu they are not approving anything).  It is really just their being informed as representatives of our community/taxpayers and being assured that the library is being fiscally responsible.  I also share/explain the annual budget with them that I present to the Mayor each year, but they do not approve it.  Any discussion goes on between me and the City administration.  The Mayor and Finance Director "present" the budget and the final approval of budgets for all City departments is done by our City Council.

4.  We discuss any true, major policy changes with the Library Commission (does not include "procedural" changes) and this is one of the things that they do vote on.  If a policy change involves anything financial (like fees) this would have to be approved by the City Council (they also would have to approve an unusually expensive purchase).  Each of these things has only happpened once in the last 10 years that I have been the director.

I hope that this helps.  Good luck!  

Kathleen Monroe, City Librarian
Livonia Public Library


----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephanie" <knownformylaugh at gmail.com>
To: michlib-l at mail.mcls.org
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 12:23:09 PM
Subject: [Michlib-l] Question for City Library Directors

Hello everyone -- 

If you are a City Library Director I'm hoping you'll be willing to share some information with me.   

1) Do you report directly to your Library Board or your City? 

2)  Is your Library Board serve in an advisory capacity only or does it serve in a decision making capacity? 

3)  What role does your Library Board have in making financial decisions (budgeting, expenditures, etc.).  

4)  When setting or changing policies, does your Board do that or do they just make recommendations to the City Commission. 

Any information you're willing to share would be greatly appreciated.    

Thank you! 


Stephanie Masin, Director 
Maud Preston Palenske Memorial Library 
500 Market St. 
St. Joseph, MI  49085 
269-983-7167 (phone) 
269-983-5804 (fax) 

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