[Michlib-l] U.S. Unveils New Consumer Auto Recall Database

Jim Flury jflury at tln.lib.mi.us
Wed Aug 14 11:33:44 EDT 2013

My apologies in advance if the below turns out to be a duplicate posting to the listserv:

This ought to garner at least some interest among library patrons in a state that is unarguably, despite some recent challenges, still the automobile capital of the world:

Link to Detroit News article: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130814/AUTO01/308140073/U-S-unveils-new-consumer-auto-recall-database?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|p

Link to Website: http://www.safercar.gov/

Jim Flury

Jim Flury
Technical Services Manager
The Library Network
41365 Vincenti Court 
Novi, MI 48375
248-536-3100 x133 
Fax 248-536-3098 
jflury at tln.lib.mi.us

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